Error al instalar backup Drupal

Hola a todos!!

Hace un tiempo que vengo haciendo sitios web con Drupal, siempre desde cero, en esta ocación un cliente me trajo un sitio ya diseñado en Drupal para que lo ponga  online, pero me empece a encontrar con algunos errores. Cuando comienzo la instalación, me arroja el siguiente mensaje de error:


Choose language

The following error must be resolved before you can continue the installation process:

Failed to connect to your PostgreSQL database server. PostgreSQL reports the following message: Connection failed. See log file for failure reason.
  • Are you sure you have the correct username and password?
  • Are you sure that you have typed the correct database hostname?
  • Are you sure that the database server is running?
  • Are you sure you typed the correct database name?
For more help, see the Installation and upgrading handbook. If you are unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your hosting provider.

Si selecciono el idioma para comenzar la instalación, me arroja lo siguiente:


Drupal already installed

The following error must be resolved before you can continue the installation process:

Failed to connect to your PostgreSQL database server. PostgreSQL reports the following message: Connection failed. See log file for failure reason.
  • Are you sure you have the correct username and password?
  • Are you sure that you have typed the correct database hostname?
  • Are you sure that the database server is running?
  • Are you sure you typed the correct database name?
For more help, see the Installation and upgrading handbook. If you are unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your hosting provider.
  • To start over, you must empty your existing database.
  • To install to a different database, edit the appropriate settings.php file in thesites folder.
  • To upgrade an existing installation, proceed to the update script.
  • View your existing site.

Please check the error messages and try again.

Alguien sabe como resolver esto?.

Tengo con el Backup un archivo de una base en postgreSQL y en el hosting que contrate tiene postgreSQL, no con una interfaz grafica como Mysql, saben como debo hacer para ejecutar esta base para que el sitio me quede online?

Espero me puedan ayudar.






Mira si en este video encuentras la solución